Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology, 5 Volume Set

Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology, 5 Volume Set

Bendjaballah, Sabrina; Ackema, Peter; Bonet, Eulalia; Fabregas, Antonio

John Wiley and Sons Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Thematic List of Contents ix
Editors xv
Contributors xvii
Preface xxiii

Volume I
Ablaut 1
Markus A. Poechtrager and Connor G. Youngberg

Agent Nominalizations 33
Artemis Alexiadou

Agreement and the Realization of Arguments 57
Michelle Yuan and Matthew Tyler

Anaphoric Islands: A History of a Misleading Geographical Metaphor 97
Gregory Ward and Richard Sproat

Argument Structure and Derived Nominals 137
Hagit Borer

Avoidance of Unintended Repetition 203
Noam Faust

Back-formations and Subtractive Morphology: Subtractive Processes in German Dialects 227
Bjoern Koehnlein

Blending 251
Vincent Renner

Blocking Effects 271
David Embick, Johanna Benz, and Lefteris Paparounas

Borrowing of Morphology: With a Case Study of Baltic and Slavic Verbal Prefixes 313
Peter Arkadiev and Kirill Kozhanov

Case Stacking 347
Pavel Caha

Category Change without Overt Marking 387
Jan Don

Circumfixation 419
Franc Lanko Marusic

Clipping and Truncation 445
Birgit Alber and Sabine Arndt-Lappe

Volume II
Clitic Cluster Restrictions 473
Diego Pescarini

Coordination and Gapping in Words 513
Rui P. Chaves

Coordinative Compounding, Including Dvandva 541
Laurie Bauer

Defectiveness 573
Andrea D. Sims

Deflexion 607
Cynthia L. Allen

Degree Morphology 637
Karen De Clercq, Pavel Caha, Michal Starke, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd

Deponency 679
Laura Grestenberger

Elative Compounds 719
Jack Hoeksema

Endoclisis and Mesoclisis 743
Berthold Crysmann and Ana R. Luis

Evaluative Morphology: Universals and Variation 771
Elizabeth Ritter and Martina Wiltschko

Exocentric Compounds 807
Susan Olsen

Expletive Insertion 827
Patrik Bye

Gender and Its Morphological Effects 857
Maria-Rosa Lloret

Grammaticalization 901
Bernd Heine

Honorificity 919
Akitaka Yamada

Volume III
Idioms in Morphology 971
Martin Everaert

Incorporation 1005
Johanna Mattissen

Inflection Class Systems 1051
Sacha Beniamine and Olivier Bonami

Inward and Outward Allomorph Selection 1085
Nicholas Rolle

Linking Elements: A Case Study on Dutch 1115
Marijke De Belder

Metathesis 1153
Jane Chandlee

Mixed Categories 1187
Petra Sleeman

Modal Adjectives 1229
Isabel Oltra-Massuet and Elena Castroviejo

Morphological Manifestations of Aspect in Slavic 1263
Olga Borik

Morphological Restrictions on Vowel Harmony: The Case of Hungarian 1305
Peter Rebrus, Peter Szigetvari, and Miklos Toerkenczy

Morphology of Passives 1365
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr

Morphology of Pro-Drop 1415
Ad Neeleman and Kriszta E. Szendroi

Morphology in Sign Languages: Theoretical Issues and Typological Contrasts 1445
Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach

Morphophonological Asymmetries in Affixation 1483
Renate Raffelsiefen

Volume IV
Multiple and Cumulative Exponence 1539
Paula Fenger

Mutation in Celtic 1565
Pavel Iosad

Neoclassical Word Formation 1607
Chiara Melloni

Non-segmental Morphology 1641
Eva Zimmermann

Noun Class Agreement in Niger-Congo Languages 1683
Denis Creissels

Number Names: Internal Structure and Morphological Marking 1731
Norbert Corver and Yuta Tatsumi

Order of Valency-changing Morphemes 1797
Alex Alsina

Ordering Restrictions between Affixes 1833
Stela Manova

Parasynthesis 1871
Jaume Mateu

Phonological Asymmetries between Roots and Affixes 1901
Maria Gouskova

Phonologically Conditioned Allomorphy 1945
Eulalia Bonet

Phrasal Affixation 1979
Asli Goeksel and Metin Bagriacik

Phrases inside Words 2015
Holden Haertl and Marcel Schlechtweg

Pluralia tantum and singularia tantum 2043
Paolo Acquaviva and Laure Gardelle

Polysemy of Affixes: A Slavic Perspective 2071
Laura A. Janda

Volume V
Polysynthesis 2099
Richard Compton and Heather Bliss

Possessor Agreement 2145
Katalin E. Kiss

Priscianic Word Formation: Morphomes, Referrals and Alternatives 2183
Donca Steriade

Prominence Hierarchies in Agreement, with Special Reference to Menominee 2241
Monica Macaulay

Recursion in Morphology 2275
Taylor L. Miller and Hannah Sande

Reduplication 2319
Robert Kennedy

Rich Agreement and Verb Movement 2357
Olaf Koeneman, Seid Tvica, and Hedde Zeijlstra

Root and Pattern in Semitic - and Beyond 2401
Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli

Suffix Order Restrictions in Bantu 2449
Hannah Gibson, Nancy C. Kula, Lutz Marten, and Julius Taji

Suppletion 2483
Andrew Hippisley

Suspended Affixation 2509
James Hye Suk Yoon

Syncretism: Recurring Patterns 2551
Johannes Hein and Philipp Weisser

Synthetic Compounding 2577
Pius ten Hacken

Synthetic versus Analytic Expressions 2605
Victor Acedo-Matellan

Word-internal Inflection 2643
Jeffrey Punske

Index 2671
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morphology case studies; morphology reference; morphology theory; morphology histography; morphology research; morphology scholarship; morphological theory; morphological debates; morphological phenomena; morphological data; morphology companion