Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence

Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence

A Psycho-Criminological Understanding

Chan, Heng Choon (Oliver); Wong, Rebecca W. Y.

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
List of Figures xiii

List of Tables xiv

About the Editors xv

About the Contributors xvii

Foreword xxi

Endorsements xxiv

1 Introduction: A Psycho-Criminological Understanding of Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence 1
Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan and Rebecca W. Y. Wong

Part 1 Theory and Research 9

2 Animal Abuse: Beyond Companion Animals and Domestic Households 11
Rebecca W. Y. Wong

3 The Animal Cruelty-Delinquency Relationship: Violence Graduation, Deviance Generalization, or Antecedent Lifestyle? 19
Glenn D. Walters

4 Animal Cruelty and the Development of "Link" Research between Nonhuman and Human Violence 32
Suzanne E. Tallichet and Elizabeth B. Perkins

5 Attitudes toward Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Relating 47
Michelle Newberry

6 Toward a Classification of Animal Maltreatment 64
Alan R. Felthous and Marissa A. Hirsch

7 How Animal Abuse Is Related to Interpersonal Violence: A Review of Research in Turkey 75
Seda Akdemir Ekizoglu

8 Dog Ownership, Love, and Violentization among Young People in the United Kingdom 92
Jennifer A. Maher

9 Instrumental Harm toward Animals in a Milgram-like Experiment in France: The Role of Nonpathological Personality Traits 111
Laurent Begue and Kevin Vezirian

Part 2 Policy and Practice 129

10 Animal Cruelty, the Link to Interpersonal Violence, and the Law 131
Brian Holoyda

11 Bestiality: Understanding Sex with Animals and Its Forensic Relevance 144
Brian Holoyda

12 The Role of Veterinarians in the Recognition of Animal Cruelty: Lessons from a Pilot Study in the Netherlands 159
Anton van Wijk and Nienke Endenburg

13 Animal Abuse, Control, and Intimate Partner Violence 169
Angus Nurse and Nadine Harding

14 Substance Abuse and Animal Maltreatment: An Overlooked Opportunity for Intervention? 183
Lacey Levitt

15 The Impact of Discretion in the Criminal Justice System on Animal Cruelty Prosecutions in Hong Kong 210
Amanda Whitfort, Fiona Woodhouse, Shuping Ho, and Marsha Chun

16 Conclusion 227
Rebecca W. Y. Wong and Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan

Index 230
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animal cruelty human violence; animal abuse pathology; animal abuse research; animal abuse human violence; animal abuse policy; animal cruelty policy; animal abuse substance abuse; animal abuse criminal justice; animal abuse intimate partner violence