Why Do Buildings Collapse in Earthquakes? Building for Safety in Seismic Areas

Why Do Buildings Collapse in Earthquakes? Building for Safety in Seismic Areas

Spence, Robin; So, Emily

John Wiley and Sons Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Introduction: why this book?

1.1 Earthquakes - an underrated hazard

1.2 Earthquakes, buildings, people

1.3 The authors' experience of earthquake risk assessment

1.4 Aims of this book

1.5 Outline of the book


Chapter 2. How do buildings behave in earthquakes?

2.1 Learning from earthquakes

2.2 Significant earthquakes since 2000

2.3 What can we learn from these significant earthquakes?

2.4 Earthquake losses in rich and poor countries

2.5 Are earthquake losses decreasing over time?


Chapter 3. How are buildings constructed in earthquake zones?

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Built form, climate and earthquake resistance

3.3 Building construction types by earthquake zone

Box 3.1 Profile: Randolph Langenbach

3.4 Summary


Chapter 4. What happens in an earthquake?

4.1 What is an earthquake?

4.2 Volcanic earthquakes and Induced seismicity

4.3 How earthquakes travel through different media

4.4 Secondary Hazards

Box 4.1 Profile: Toshitaka Katada

4.5 Compound threats


Chapter 5. How do different forms of construction behave in earthquakes?

5.1 Introduction: range and classification of building construction types

5.2 Masonry construction

Box 5.1 Profile: Laurie Baker

5.3 Reinforced concrete construction

5.4 Timber frame construction

5.5 Steel frame construction

5.6 Comparing the vulnerability of different construction types


Chapter 6 How is the population affected?

6.1 Causes of earthquake casualties

6.2 Casualties due to building collapses

6.3 Survivability of an occupant in a building

6.4 Other causes of casualties

6.5 How can we estimate the number of injured and killed in an earthquake?

6.6 Estimating fatalities due to building collapses

6.7 Estimating casualties from secondary hazards and cascading effects

6.8 The way forward


Chapter 7. How can buildings be improved?

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Design of engineered buildings

7.3 Strengthening existing buildings

7.4 Building for safety programmes

Box 7.1 Profile: Amod Dixit

Box 7.2 Profile: Rajendra and Rupal Desai

7.5 Public awareness of earthquake risk: creating a safety culture


Chapter 8. Successes and failures in earthquake protection: a country comparison

8.1 Introduction: the survey

8.2 High achievers

8.3 Limited achievers

8.4 Continuing and growing risks

8.5 Country comparison of unsafe structures

8.6 Comparison of the country groups



Chapter 9. The way forward: what part can different actors play?

9.1 International agencies and global initiatives

9.2 Governments

9.3 Businesses and organisations

9.4 Homeowners and individual citizens

Box 9.1. Profile: Tracy Monk

9.5 Scientists and Engineers

Box 9.2 Profile: Edward Ng

Box 9.3 Profile: Lucy Jones

9.6 Non-government organisations

9.7 Insurers

9.8 The way forward


Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Earthquake protection; building collapse; building construction types; building improvement; earthquake engineering; earthquake casualties; earthquake ground motion; disaster risk reduction; sustainable developmernt.