Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies

Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies

Curtis, Todd A.

John Wiley and Sons Ltd





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To the Student xi

To the Instructor xiv

Acknowledgments xvi

About the Companion Website xvii

Unit I Basics of Medical and Scientific Terminology 1

1 The Historical Origins of Greek and Latin in Medical Terminology 3

Historical Origins of Greek in Medical Terminology 3

Historical Origins of Latin in Medical Terminology 5

Asclepius and the Symbols of Medicine 6

Famous Ancient Greek Physicians 9

Hippocrates 11

Galen 11

Some Suggested Readings 12

2 Greek and Latin Word Elements in Medical Terminology 13

Lessons from History: Aphorism 1.1 and Etymology 13

Some Suggested Readings 14

Etymological Terms 15

Eponym 15

Loan Word 15

Derivative 16

Compound Word 16

Inflection 16

Root 17

Prefix 18

Suffix 18

Combining Vowel and Combing Form 19

Usage of Combining Vowels 19

Elision 19

Assimilation 20

Vowel Gradation (Ablaut) 20

Semantics 22

Etymology and Semantics 22

Meaning via Word Analysis 22

Word Elements with Multiple Meanings 23

Synonyms 23

Homographs 24

Literal Meaning Versus Technical Definition 24

Spelling 24

The Greek Alphabet 24

Transliteration 25

Alternate Spellings of Greek Words 25

Alternate Spellings of Latin Words 26

Pluralization 27

Common Classical Plural Forms in Medico-Scientific English 27

Pronunciation 28

Phonetic Spelling 28

Guidelines for the Pronunciation of Medico-Scientific Terms 29

Vowels 29

Final Vowel 29

Diphthongs 30

Consonants 30

Consonant Clusters 31

Syllables 31

Stress 31

Pronunciation of Word Elements 32

Vocabulary 32

Prefixes 32

Greek Prefixes 33

Latin Prefixes 34

Suffixes 36

Greek Suffixes 37

Latin Suffixes 37

3 Anatomical Terminology 40

Lessons from History: Alexandrian Origins of Human Dissection and the Rise of Anatomical Latin 40

Some Suggested Readings 43

Latin Anatomical Nouns 43

Inflection 43

Case 43

Nominative Case 43

Genitive Case 43

Number 44

Gender 45

Declensions 45

Using Latin Dictionaries 46

Latin Nouns for General Parts of the Human Body 49

Greek Anatomical Nouns 57

Declensions 57

Greek Nouns in Anatomical Latin 58

Latin Anatomical Adjectives 62

Types of Latin Adjectives 62

1st and 2nd Declension-Type Adjectives 63

Third Declension-Type Adjectives 64

Comparative Adjectives 64

Creation of Latin Anatomical Adjectives 65

Latin Adjectives for Positions and Planes of the Body 65

4 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Terminology 70

Lessons from History: Celsus' Description of Greek Medicine 70

Some Suggested Readings 74

Vocabulary 75

Lessons from History: Celsus on the Preservation of Health 76

Some Suggested Readings 78

Vocabulary 78

Lessons from History: Celsus and the Diagnosis of Disease 80

Some Suggested Readings 82

Vocabulary 83

Lessons from History: Celsus and Ancient Greek Surgery 90

Some Suggested Readings 92

Surgical Compound Suffixes 92

Surgical Word Elements 94

Lessons from History: Hippocratic Epidemics and Progress Notes 95

Some Suggested Readings 96

SOAP Notes 96

5 Chemical and Pharmacological Terminology 98

Lessons from History: The Greek Alphabet and Modern Scientific Notation 98

Some Suggested Readings 99

Roman Numerals 101

Word Elements for Greek and Latin Numbers 101

Greek Cardinal Numbers 102

Greek Ordinal Numbers 103

Adverbs and Numbers 103

Latin Cardinal Numbers 104

Latin Ordinal Numbers 105

Lessons from History: The Four Classical Elements and the Elements of Chemistry 106

Some Suggested Readings 109

Etymological Explanations: Chemical Elements 109

Etymologies of Chemical Elements Derived from Greek 109

Etymologies of Chemical Elements Derived from Latin 112

Greek Mythological Characters and the Etymology of Modern Elements 112

Commonly Used Greek and Latin Word Elements in Chemical Terminology 115

Lessons from History: Ancient Greek Drugs and Modern Pharmaceutical Terminology 118

Some Suggested Readings 121

Etymological Explanations: The Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Prescriptions 121

Unit II Body Systems 125

6 Integumentary System 127

Lessons from History: Ancient and Modern Concepts of Skin and Its Appendages 127

Some Suggested Readings 130

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Integumentary System 130

Lessons from History: Hippocrates' On Ulcers and Dermatology 135

Some Suggested Readings 137

Etymological Explanations: Lesions 137

Lessons from History: Skin Color in Ancient Greek Medicine and Science 141

Some Suggested Readings 143

Vocabulary 143

Lessons from History: Terms for Skin Diseases in Ancient Greek and Modern Medicine 144

Some Suggested Readings 148

Lessons from History: Cosmetics and Plastic Surgery in Ancient Greek Medicine 150

Some Suggested Readings 152

Etymological Explanations: Grafts 152

Vocabulary 153

7 Musculoskeletal System 154

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the General Parts of the Musculoskeletal System 154

Etymological Explanations: Greek and Latin Roots for the Parts of Bones 159

Lessons from History: Galen's Bones for Beginners and the Teaching of Anatomy 161

Some Suggested Readings 164

Etymological Explanations: Greek and Latin Roots for the Skeletal Bones 164

Etymological Explanations: Greek and Latin Roots for the Parts and Movements of Muscles 174

Lessons from History: Muscles in Ancient Greek Medicine 177

Some Suggested Readings 182

Lessons from History: History of Orthopedics and Hippocratic Medicine 184

Some Suggested Readings 188

Etymological Explanations: Greek and Latin Roots for Orthopedic Terms 188

8 Cardiovascular System, Blood, and Lymph 197

Lessons from History: Galen's Theory of Blood Flow and the Circulation of Blood 197

Some Suggested Readings 200

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System 200

Lessons from History: The Pulse and the Diagnosis of Disease 209

Some Suggested Readings 212

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Physiology of Cardiovascular System 212

Lessons from History: Changing Concepts of Blood 219

Some Suggested Readings 223

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Blood and Lymph 224

Etymological Explanations: Pathologies of Blood and Lymph 230

9 Respiratory System 236

Lessons from History: Aristotle's Theory of Respiration 236

Suggested Readings 238

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of Respiratory System 238

Lessons from History: Ancient and Modern Notions of Air 248

Suggested Readings 249

Etymological Explanations: Respiration and Air 250

Lessons from History: Hippocratic Diagnosis and Treatment of Empyema 253

Suggested Readings 255

Etymological Explanations: Pathologies of the Respiratory System 255

10 Nervous System and Psychology 261

Lessons from History: Mental Faculties and the Ventricles Brain in Ancient Philosophy and Medicine 261

Suggested Readings 266

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Nervous System 267

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Nervous System 280

Lessons from History: Mental Illness in Ancient Greek Medicine 291

Suggested Readings 294

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Psychological Terms 294

11 Eye, Ear, and Special Senses 301

Lessons from History: Aristotle's Hierarchy of Senses 301

Some Suggested Readings 304

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Five Senses 304

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Eye 306

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Pathologies of the Eye 313

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Ear 320

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Pathologies of the Ear 325

12 Endocrine System 329

Lessons from History: Paradigm, Perception, and the Pineal Gland 329

Some Suggested Readings 333

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy and Physiology of Glands 333

Types of Glands and Secretions 333

Endocrine Glands 335

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Hormones 339

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System 343

13 Gastrointestinal System 347

Lessons from History: The Gastrointestinal System and Figures of Speech 347

Some Suggested Readings 349

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal System 349

Lessons from History: Digestion and Diet in Hippocratic and Modern Medicine 362

Some Suggested Readings 365

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Aliment, Digestion, and Defecation 366

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Pathologies of the Gastrointestinal System 370

14 Urinary System 381

Lessons from History: Ancient Greek Medical Explanations of the Physiology of the Urinary System 381

Some Suggested Readings 382

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Anatomy of the Urinary System 383

Lessons from History: Uroscopy and Urinalysis 387

Some Suggested Readings 390

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for Urine and Urination 390

Lessons from History: Lithotomy and the Hippocratic Oath 394

Some Suggested Readings 397

15 Male and Female Reproductive Systems 401

Lessons from History: Ancient Greek and Roman Conceptions of the Penis 401

Some Suggested Readings 406

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Male Reproductive System 406

Lessons from History: Society and Ancient Greek Medicine's Interpretation of the Female Genitalia 415

Some Suggested Readings 420

Etymological Explanations: Common Terms and Word Elements for the Female Reproductive System 420

Lessons from History: The Formation of the Fetus, Abortion, and Birth Defects in Ancient Greek Medicine and Society 429

Some Suggested Readings 432

Etymological Explanations: Obstetrics 432

Appendix A 439

Appendix B 504
medical terminology textbook; introduction to medical terminology; medical terminology roots; medspeak textbook; Greek roots of medical terminology; Latin roots of medical terminology; etymological approach to medical terminology