Critical Care Medicine at a Glance

Critical Care Medicine at a Glance

Leach, Richard M.

John Wiley and Sons Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Preface viii

Acknowledgements ix

Units, symbols and abbreviations x

How to use your textbook xvi

Part 1 General 1

1 Recognising the unwell patient 2

2 Managing the critically ill patient 4

3 Monitoring in critical care medicine 6

4 The electrocardiogram 8

5 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 10

6 Oxygen transport 12

7 Shock 14

8 Circulatory assessment 16

9 Fluid management: pathophysiological factors 18

10 Fluid management: assessment and prescription 20

11 Fluid management: fluid choice 22

12 Inotropes and vasopressors 23

13 Failure of oxygenation and respiratory failure 24

14 Oxygenation and oxygen therapy 26

15 Airways obstruction and management 28

16 Non- invasive ventilation 30

17 Endotracheal intubation 32

18 Mechanical ventilation 34

19 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 36

20 Respiratory management, weaning and tracheostomy 38

21 Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance 40

22 Analgesia, sedation and paralysis 42

23 Enteral and parenteral nutrition 44

24 Hypothermia and hyperthermia 46

25 Assessment of the patient with suspected infection 48

26 Sepsis and septic shock 50

27 Hospital- acquired (nosocomial) infections 52

28 Fever in the returning traveller 54

29 Fever (pyrexia) of unknown origin 56

30 Coronavirus disease 2019 58

31 End of life issues 60

Part 2 Medical 63


32 Acute coronary syndromes I: clinical pathophysiology 64

33 Acute coronary syndromes II: investigations and management 66

34 Arrhythmias: tachyarrhythmias 68

35 Arrhythmias: bradyarrhythmias 71

36 Heart failure and pulmonary oedema 72

37 Cardiac emergencies 74

38 Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 76


39 Chest imaging and bronchoscopy 78

40 Community-acquired pneumonia 80

41 Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia 82

42 Asthma 84

43 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 86

44 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 88

45 Pneumothorax and air leaks 90

46 Respiratory emergencies 92

Renal and metabolic

47 Acute kidney injury: pathophysiology and clinical aspects 94

48 Acute kidney injury: management and renal replacement therapy 96

49 Electrolyte disturbances: sodium and potassium 98

50 Electrolyte disturbances: calcium 100

51 Electrolyte disturbances: magnesium and phosphate 102

52 Diabetic emergencies 104

53 Endocrine emergencies 106


54 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage 108

55 Jaundice 110

56 Acute liver failure 112

57 Acute pancreatitis 114

58 Vomiting and intestinal obstruction 116

59 Diarrhoea 118

60 Ascites 120

61 Abdominal Imaging 121


62 Acute confusional state, coma and status epilepticus 122

63 Stroke 124

64 Other cerebral vascular disorders 126

65 Infective neurological emergencies 127

66 Neuromuscular conditions 128


67 Specific bacterial infections 130

68 Common adult viral infections 132

69 Common fungal and protozoal infections 134

70 The immune compromised patient 136

Other systems

71 Coagulation disorders and transfusion 138

72 Drug overdose and poisoning 140

73 Dermatology in ICU 142

Part 3 Surgical 145

74 Trauma 146

75 Traumatic brain (head) injury 148

76 Chest trauma 150

77 Acute abdominal emergencies 152

78 Obstetric emergencies 154

79 Burns, toxic inhalation and electrical injuries 156

80 Envenomation, stings and bites 158

Part 4 Self-assessment 161

Case studies and questions 162

Case studies answers 165


Appendix I: Sequential (sepsis- related) Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score 172

Appendix II: Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs (based on Vaughan Williams classification) 173

Appendix III: Pacemaker types and classifications 174

Appendix IV: Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) staging system for acute kidney injury 175

Appendix V: Rockall risk- scoring system for gastrointestinal bleeds 176

Appendix VI: Child-Pugh grading 177

Appendix VII: Typical criteria for liver transplantation 178

Appendix VIII: Royal College of Physicians' top nutrition tips 179

Index 180
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critical care medicine guide; critical care medicine revision; acute medicine guide; acute medicine revision; emergency medicine guide; emergency medicine revision; critical care medical students; critical care nurses; critical care junior doctors