Clouds and Their Climatic Impact

Clouds and Their Climatic Impact

Radiation, Circulation, and Precipitation

Hoose, Corinna; Sullivan, Sylvia C.

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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List of Contributors ix

Preface xiii

1 Science of Cloud and Climate Science: An Analysis of the Literature Over the Past 50 Years 1
Sylvia C. Sullivan and Corinna Hoose

Part I Clouds and Radiation

2 An Overview of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions 15
Hamish Gordon, Franziska Glassmeier, and Daniel McCoy

3 Ice Crystal Complexity and Link to the Cirrus Cloud Radiative Effect 47
Emma Jaervinen, Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, Nathan Magee, Steven Neshyba, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, Olivier Jourdan, David Delene, Fritz Waitz, Simone Lolli, and Seiji Kato

4 Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Cloud-Climate Feedbacks From an Active-Sensor Satellite Perspective 87
Gregory V. Cesana, Andrew S. Ackerman, Thibault Vaillant de Guelis, and David S. Henderson

Part II Cloud Types

5 A Review of the Factors Influencing Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds: Progress and Outlook 105
Ivy Tan, Georgia Sotiropoulou, Patrick C. Taylor, Lauren Zamora, and Manfred Wendisch

6 Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks 133
Daniel T. McCoy, Michelle E. Frazer, Johannes Muelmenstaedt, Ivy Tan, Christopher R. Terai, and Mark D. Zelinka

7 Tropical Marine Low Clouds: Feedbacks to Warming and on Climate Variability 159
Timothy A. Myers, Raphaela Vogel, Florent Brient, Hossein Parishani, and Ryan C. Scott

8 Mechanisms for the Self-Organization of Tropical Deep Convection 179
Jan O. Haerter and Caroline Muller

9 An Overview of Mesoscale Convective Systems: Global Climatology, Satellite Observations, and Modeling Strategies 195
Sudip Chakraborty, Sylvia C. Sullivan, and Zhe Feng

Part III Clouds and Circulation

10 Interactions Between the Tropical Atmospheric Overturning Circulation and Clouds in Present and Future Climates 225
Kathleen A. Schiro and Hui Su

11 Clouds and Radiatively Induced Circulations 239
Tra Dinh, Bla? Gasparini, and Gilles Bellon

12 The Small-Scale Mixing of Clouds with Their Environment: Impacts on Micro- and Macroscale Cloud Properties 255
Fabian Hoffmann

Part IV Clouds and Precipitation

13 Precipitation Efficiency and Climate Sensitivity 273
Nicholas J. Lutsko, Steven C. Sherwood, and Ming Zhao

14 Observed Scaling of Precipitation Extremes With Surface Temperature and Convective Available Potential Energy 287
Wenhao Dong and Yanluan Lin

15 Satellite Precipitation Measurements: What Have We Learnt About Cloud-Precipitation Processes From Space? 303
Maki Kikuchi, Scott A. Braun, Kentaroh Suzuki, Guosheng Liu, and Alessandro Battaglia

Part V Outlook

16 Machine Learning for Clouds and Climate 327
Tom Beucler, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Stephan Rasp, Michael Pritchard, and Pierre Gentine

Index 347
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Cloud radiation; cloud circulation; climate projections; precipitation; meteorology; climate science